
13 de dez. de 2021

William and Harry (Katie Nicholl) – PSRC 2021


Título: William and Harry: behind palace doors 
Autora: Katie Nicholl 
Mês: Dezembro 
Tema: O livro que está há mais tempo em sua lista de leitura 
Editora Weinstein Books, 328 p. 

Sinopse: More than a decade has passed since princes William and Harry watched in grief as their mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, was laid to rest. Then just fifteen and twelve years old, William and Harry have since grown into extraordinary young men. Today they are modern princes poised to shape the Royal Family in their own image, and determined to carry the legacy of their beloved mother, Diana, into the twenty-first century. 
The royal brothers have been the subjects of intense scrutiny since birth, but until now, no journalist has delved as successfully into their lives as Katie Nicholl. Through her unprecedented network of sources, some of whom have agreed to speak for the very first time, Nicholl provides fascinating insight into the lives of William and Harry, following them from childhood to present day, chronicling the difficult period after their mother's tragic death, their college years, their love lives, their careers as front-line soldiers, and William's struggles with his destiny as the future king. 
Now, as William gets set to assume a more prominent role in the monarchy, and a royal wedding between he and Kate Middleton seems probable, Nicholl has spoken to a wealth of contacts close to the couple who reveal how their love affair really started at the University of Saint Andrews, the hurdles the pair overcame, and the challenges they still face. She recounts the story of Harry's time at Eton, his relationship with Chelsy Davy, and the three months he spent on the front line in Afghanistan. She analyzes William and Harry's complex relationship with their father, and the woman who will one day become Queen Camilla. 
A constantly surprising and compulsively readable book, William and Harry sheds an astonishing light on the two most famous brothers in the world. 

Em abril de 2021, William e Kate comemoraram 10 anos de casados. Foi engraçado fazer a resenha desse livro só agora quando essa foi uma das primeiras biografias sobre os príncipes William e Harry que eu consegui. Em parte porque eu já conhecia a autora dos vários documentários reais a que assisti, ela sabe ser concisa em sua narrativa sem dramatizar. Gostei muito da autora falar chegar a abordar o noivado de William e Kate, já que a maioria das biografias sobre William e Harry (dado o tempo de namoro do primeiro com Kate) só falam do namoro, e também adorei as partes sobre o relacionamento entre Harry e Chelsy. Biografia recomendada.

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